User Registration

General Announcements

User Registration

Postby mhughes2k on Tue May 05, 2009 11:58 pm

You may not be aware that get hit regularly by waves of user registrations for the purposes of generating spam. We take this very seriously and have an agressive response to any spam registrations (they get banned, their e-mail address gets banned, and their IP address gets banned).

Unfortunately this does mean that sometimes valid user registrations can get caught up in this, and your activation e-mail isn't sent out or your newly registered account is deleted.

To make sure this doesn't happen, please make sure that you complete the registration with accurate (and verifiable) details. We do check that the institution exists before activating and account, and also that there is a reasonable match between the details provided.

If you do register and don't get a response back then drop us a line and we'll sort it out.

Hope this helps.


Application Developer, LTDU
SIMPLE Project Core Team
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Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:05 pm
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